We hope to make a BIG impact for those in need in

of your donation, as part of 100+ Women Who Care Chatham-Kent, goes to the charity/nonprofit chosen assisting the people of
The collective donation is given symbolically by our group of 100+ Women Who Care Chatham-Kent;
each member receives a charitable tax receipt for their individual contribution.
Running Donation Total since August 2016= $374,775.00!
December 2024: We presented $10,575.00 to a very gracious St. Paul's-Victoria Avenue United Church for their Pantry and Food Card Program!

September 2024: We presented $11,275.00 to Linck Child, Youth & Family Supports for their youth leaving care and starting out on their own!
June 2024: We presented $10,475.00 to a very appreciative Chatham-Kent Sexual Assault Crisis Centre!
"Thank you for the kind donation to our organization. This will go far in furthering our education of young men and women, and help keep them safe.
We appreciate your dedication to the Chatham Kent Community and your unwavering commitment to helping organizations like ours.
Sexual Assault and violence against women are growing problems in our community that cannot be ignored and we are thankful that we have your support."
~ Linda Soulliere, Executive Director, Chatham-Kent Sexual Assault Crisis Centre

April 2024: We collectively gave $11,575.00 to a deeply grateful Mental Health Network of Chatham-Kent!
"On behalf of the Mental Health Network of Chatham-Kent I would like to express our deepest gratitude to 100+ Women Who Care Chatham-Kent for your incredibly generous donation of $11,575.00. Your contribution means more to us than words can express. With your support, we can continue our mission to provide a safe and welcoming space for individuals to connect, share experiences, and receive the support they need. Your donation will directly impact the lives of many, enabling us to offer vital resources, services, and community programs that empower individuals on their journey toward healing and recovery. We are truly honored and humbled by your support. Please know that your generosity will have a lasting and profound impact on our organization and the individuals we serve.
Once again, thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your kindness and generosity. Your donation will help us continue to build a community of hope, healing, and support for all those affected by mental health."
With deepest appreciation,
~ Jennifer Jackson, Acting Executive Director, The Mental Health Network of Chatham-Kent

December 2023: We collectively gave $10,725.00 to an appreciative Chatham Goodfellows for their Boot and Shoe Program!
"Thank you on behalf of the Chatham Goodfellows. We truly appreciate your support. The money that's given to us will definitely help us to give two pairs of shoes instead of one. We truly appreciate everything that you've done for us".
~ Tim Haskell, President, Chatham Goodfellows

October 2023: We happily presented our collective donation of $11,025.00 to Christ Church Outreach's Little Free Pantry and Monday Bag Lunch charitable programs.
"Thank you so much for choosing Christ Church's Free Pantry and Lunch Program to support! Every week we provide over 30 lunches to the hungry and keep the pantry by the bus station stocked. As soon as food is placed there it is gone. The need is so great for the people we see every week. It means so much to our small group of volunteers to be able to make more lunches and provide more food to the community. I am grateful that you saw the need and provided us the funds to continue for a long time to come".
~ Katherine Williams, Christ Church Parish Council Member at Large

July 2023: We presented $10,825.00 to Family Service Kent for their Community Support Services Program!
For more information about this program - please click on the logo.
"I wanted to express my utmost gratitude to 100+ Women Who Care CK for your generous donation towards Family Service Kent and our Community Support Services program (formerly Community & Home Assistance Program). The funds that we have received will predominately be directed to older adults and people with disabilities in our community with needs related to healthy meals and transportation. These funds will enable Family Service Kent to maintain free delivery of frozen meals to many isolated people in our community; this personal delivery also serves as a friendly check-in with vulnerable clients who otherwise may not have many visitors.
Your generosity is very much appreciated. Thank you for making a difference in the lives of many throughout Chatham-Kent."
~ Dan Farrow, Executive Director, Family Service Kent

March 2023: A donation of $11,725.00 was presented to VON for their Chatham-Kent Kids' Circle Program.
"VON's Kids' Circle Program provides supportive care to children and teens aged 4 to 18 who are facing a life-threatening illness themselves, the life threatening illness of a loved one, or who have experienced the death of a loved one. Support is offered through age-appropriate activities and education that help the child grieve in a safe and healthy manner while giving them the tools needed for normal, healthy grieving. The Kids' Circle Program is centered on the unique needs of each child and the focus is to provide one-to-one and group support for children and teens in an environment where they can feel safe to share their feelings. Visits take place at the child's school, in hospitals, homes or the child-friendly space at the VON office. There is no limit to the number of support sessions and referrals are accepted from any source. There is no fee for this service.
Thank you to 100 Women for caring! Your donation will help VON to provide support, activities and opportunities directly to the families and children in Chatham Kent who need it."
~ Erin Crow, Program Supervisor, Kids Circle, Supportive Care and Bereavement Services
December 2022: We presented $11,525.00 for the charitable program Dolly Parton's Imagination Library, sponsored locally by the Kiwanis Club of Chatham-Kent.
"It is Dolly Parton’s dream to get as many books into the hands of children as possible.
The Kiwanis Club of Chatham-Kent shares this dream as we strive to 'serve the children of the world'. With our community partners and your gracious support, we are making that dream happen. In the 28th year of Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library (DPIL), we are part of a movement that sends over 2.1 million high quality, age appropriate books to children and families every month.
With your generosity we have been able to increase our enrollment by 50 more young children so they and their families can enjoy these wonderful books.
Our guiding principle is: Children are our focus. Literacy is our goal. – and you have helped with this priority.
Thank you for being a part of this journey as we inspire a love of reading in Chatham-Kent children.
Together, we can dream more, learn more, care more and be more."
~ With appreciation from the Kiwanis Club of Chatham-Kent

September 2022: We presented $12,500.00 to the Chatham-Kent Women's Centre Anti-Human Trafficking Program.
"Thank you so very much for the wonderful donation to the Chatham Kent Women's Centre for our Anti-Human Trafficking program."
~ Karen Hunter, Executive Director, Chatham-Kent Women's Centre
June 2022: A donation of $11,625.00 was presented to members of an excited Bel Canto Choir School!
"The Bel Canto artistic directors could not have been more pleased with the donation...just so thrilled that what we had dreamed we could offer to young people between the ages of 8 and 18 was an opportunity to follow their passion and participate in a choir, all barriers removed. Our dream has really come true...this is all quite overwhelming...in addition to the financial support it means that it will provide music opportunities for all kids in Chatham-Kent. Since we started the choir almost a year ago we have seen kids come into their own. They have learned how to be part of a group, how to share their talents, gain new musical skills and make new friendships, which is a great opportunity."
~ Christine Baribeau, BCCS Director; Erin Stirling, BCCS Manager; Devon Hansen, BCCS Director
March 2022: Outreach for Hunger were thrilled to receive our collective donation of $11,025.00!
"Outreach for Hunger is thrilled to be selected by 100 Women Who Care to receive this donation. The support given will provide many nutritious meals to families who struggle daily. Together we can make a difference".
~ Brenda LeClair, Executive Director, Outreach for Hunger

December 2021: We presented the Blenheim Youth Centre with our collective donation of $12,025.00!
"We are grateful to the 100+ Women Who Care group for choosing the BYC as the November recipients. The funds donated will help us to continue to provide a safe space for youth in Blenheim and surrounding areas. Covid and the current restrictions have significantly impacted the way we engage with our youth, but we will continue to push forward and use these funds to rebuild and re implement quality programming to be inclusive to all youth. We are working to create an outdoor safe and engaging space for the winter months and then will amp up our outdoor programming further in the Spring."
~ Emily Robert, Executive Director, Blenheim Youth Centre
September 2021: We happily presented Meals on Wheels with our collective donation of $11,525.00!
"We are incredibly grateful to the 100 Women Who Care for their generous support of the Chatham Kent Meals on Wheels program. Keeping seniors well nourished and safe in their homes during the pandemic really highlights the critical role Meals on Wheels plays in the lives of seniors."
~ Jessica Smith, Executive Director, St. Andrew's Residence

June 2021: A donation of $12,000.00 on behalf of 100+ Women Who Care CK was presented to The W.I.S.H. Centre!
"We are extremely grateful for the 100+ Women Who Care for their generous donation. This will allow us to restart programs providing children with the social and physical activities safely during COVID, a beginning to restarting all youth programs within our community centre.
On behalf of WISH Centre staff and directors: Thank you."
~ Jamie Ireland, Program Manager of The W.I.S.H. Centre
March 2021: 100+ Women Who Care CK selected R.O.C.K Missions to receive our collective donation of $12,025.00!
"This is FABULOUS news! The ROCK Missions team will be ecstatic! They are the most giving and compassionate people I've ever met. These funds will enable them to continue to do the outstanding work to help the less fortunate in our community. It's a very good day."
~ Sue Cummings, 100 Women Who Care CK Nominating Member and Volunteer with R.O.C.K. Missions

December 2020: 100+ Women Who Care CK selected VON Chatham-Kent's Kids' Circle Program to receive our collective donation of $11,725.00!
"Thank you for caring! Kids’ Circle is a unique charitable program that specializes in illness and bereavement support for children and teens at no cost to the client. Kids’ Circle provides support in one-on-one settings for children (under the age of 19) and group support, who are either experiencing a life-threatening illness themselves, that of a loved one, as well as other experiences of bereavement. The COVID 19 pandemic has been difficult for adults to deal with but it is especially challenging for the children and teens who are emotionally fragile due to an illness they have or someone they love is dying. Due to COVID, safety has trumped our normal service delivery processes but thanks to the generosity of community donations and 100 Women Who Care, we have been able to adjust our programming, ensuring that all services can still be delivered while following all recommendations from the Chatham-Kent Public Health Unit, keeping everyone safe. On behalf of the Kids’ Circle Program clients and their families we thank your members so much for this wonderful gift."
~ Erin Crow, Kids’ Circle Program Coordinator

September 2020: Through online voting, 100+ Women Who Care CK selected The Chatham-Kent Hospice Foundation to receive our collective donation of $12,000.00!
“Overwhelmed with the thoughtfulness of 100 Women Who Care, especially during these uncertain times. Our Hospice families have no choice but to deal with end-of-life and the pandemic. This means a lot to me and our Hospice families that call Hospice 'Home'. Thank you!”
~ Jodi Maroney, Executive Director, Chatham-Kent Hospice Foundation.

May 2020: Though our meeting was cancelled, many of our 100+ Women Who Care members chose to donate towards the local food banks with the May 16th Miracle for a contribution of $6,700.00.

March 2020: A donation of $11,725.00 on behalf of 100+ Women Who Care Chatham-Kent was made to the Rotary Club of Dresden for the Dresden Kinsmen Community Splash Pad. Please click the picture to be redirected to the Splash Pad's Facebook Page.

"Thank you so much to you all. We truly appreciate the support your group has given us in helping reach our goal. This new splash pad and playground area will bring so much joy to our community."
~ Meg Robinson, Dresden Kinsmen Community Splash Pad Committee Chair

December 2019: A donation of $13,150.00 on behalf of 100+ Women Who Care Chatham-Kent was made to the Sandwich Guys, a Gregory Drive Alliance Church Street Frenz charitable program. For more information about the Sandwich Guys please click here.

“Thank you so much! This will ensure we will be around for years to come! This is so good - thank you - I'm speechless!”
~ Thom Maxwell, Sandwich Guys Co-Leader.

September 2019: A donation of $12,725.00 on behalf of 100+ Women Who Care Chatham-Kent was made to Restorative Justice Chatham-Kent for the Positive Strides Programs. Please click RJCK logo for more information.
“We are incredibly grateful for the contribution made by 100+ Women Who Care CK – THANK YOU to each and every one of you! It’s an honour to have Restorative Justice Chatham-Kent be recognized as a worthy recipient of such a generous community donation. These dollars will directly support the delivery of our Positive Strides Programs – a collection of seven FREE educational programs that give local children and youth all across Chatham-Kent the tools and social skills they need to be successful at home, school, and in the community. These programs are positively impacting the lives of local kids every single day, and this contribution will go a long way in helping support upwards of 170 kids through Positive Strides in the coming year!”
~ Cecily Coppola, Executive Director, Restorative Justice Chatham-Kent
June 2019: A donation of $12,375.00 on behalf of 100+ Women Who Care Chatham-Kent was made to the Chatham-Kent YMCA for the Strong Kids Campaign.
“A sincere thank you to all the ladies who are part of the Chatham-Kent 100+ Women Who Care for this generous gift. We are very lucky to have such great volunteers like Barb (Nominating 100WWC.CK Member) who are very passionate and believe in the great work we do at our Y. With summer camp approaching, this donation will allow us to help even more families across our CK community. Thank you!”
~ Amy Wadsworth, Chatham-Kent YMCA General Manager

March 2019: A donation of $11,925.00 on behalf of 100+ Women Who Care Chatham-Kent was made to the Friends of the New Animal Shelter for their new build.
"We are grateful to 100 Women Who Care. We believe that this shelter will have a significant impact on all of the residents of the CK community."
~ Lynn McGeachy, Chatham-Kent Animal Shelter, Project Manager

December 2018: A donation of $12,500.00 on behalf of 100+ Women Who Care Chatham-Kent was made to the Chatham-Kent Women's Centre for their Emergency Shelter Program, Nancy’s Place and the Child Witness Program.

"This is such a wonderful donation and opportunity to provide support to the many programs and services to assist abused women and children in Chatham-Kent. Each year the Chatham-Kent Women’s Centre assists over 1,000 women and children from our community who seek emergency shelter. The support we received is not only a wonderful monetary gift, but truly shows our clients the support from our community and the desire to end violence and abuse against women and children."
~ Karen Hunter, Executive Director, Chatham-Kent Women's Centre

September 2018: A donation of $12,000.00 on behalf of 100+ Women Who Care Chatham-Kent
was made to the Chatham-Kent Goodfellows Shoe and Boot Program.
"Very appreciative of the donation which will help provide 1300 kids with boots or shoes for this Christmas! It's groups like 100+ Women Who Care that make our mission "No Child Without a Christmas" easier."
~ Tim Haskell, President, Chatham Goodfellows

June 2018: A donation of $11,450.00 on behalf of 100+ Women Who
Care Chatham-Kent
was made to Chatham Hope Haven.
"We feel truly blessed and are especially touched that the women in the community are concerned about the men who are struggling and depend on the Haven. Thank you so much!"
~ Wanda Bell, Communications Coordinator, Chatham Hope Haven

March 2018: A donation of $10,725.00 on behalf of 100+ Women Who Care Chatham-Kent was made to Scouts Canada for an all-season cabin at Camp Catarqui.
The cheque presentation was made to members of the Chatham 19th Scouts Canada Group and representatives from the Camp Cataraqui committee from across Chatham-Kent.

December 2017: A donation of $10,750.00 on behalf of 100+ Women Who Care Chatham-Kent was made to Shepherd's Way Inn.
"We are overwhelmed. Thank you."
~ Theresa Nadeau, Founder, Shepherd's Way Inn

September 2017: A donation of $10,550.00 on behalf of 100+ Women Who Care Chatham-Kent was made to Outreach For Hunger.
"Outreach for Hunger is overwhelmed by this tremendous gift. Thank you to everyone who made it possible."
~ Brenda LeClair, Executive Director Outreach for Hunger

June 2017: A donation of $10,550.00 on behalf of 100+ Women Who Care Chatham-Kent was made to the Newcomer Youth Program at Adult Language & Learning.
"We are very excited at Adult Language and Learning to have received this wonderful donation of $10,550 towards our programming!
Thank YOU to all the wonderful 100 Women Who Care!"

February 2017: A donation of $8,525.00 on behalf of 100+ Women Who Care Chatham-Kent was made to the Delta P.A.L.S Program at the Chatham-Kent Children's Safety Village.
"The organizers of Delta P.A.L.S.(Philanthropy, Anti-Bullying, Leadership, Self-Love and Love for others); Tabitha Jennings & Tiffany Lovell would like to express their sincerest appreciation for the support from 100+ Women Who Care Chatham-Kent of this much needed camp program in Chatham-Kent. We look forward to 2017 Camps!"

December 2016: A donation of $7,850.00 on behalf of 100+ Women Who Care Chatham-Kent was made to the Music Therapy Program at the Alzheimer Society of Chatham-Kent.
“The Alzheimer Society of Chatham-Kent is thrilled to have been chosen the selected charity by the 100+ Women Who Care Chatham-Kent for December 2016. The impact you will make to our Music Program will be far reaching. It will help us with the cost of iPods, purchasing music and distributing the iPods to those in our Day Programs, In-Home Respite Care, Rest and Retirement Homes and to Long Term Care. Due to privacy, we cannot show our own programs, but to see the effect of music on those with dementia, please watch this documentary: ALIVE INSIDE On behalf of our clients, caregivers, staff and board of directors,
we offer our most sincere thank you!”
~ Mary Ellen Parker, CEO of the Alzheimer Society of Chatham-Kent

September 2016: A donation of $5,100.00 on behalf of 100+ Women Who Care Chatham-Kent was made to the Mental Health Program at Chatham-Kent Children’s Services.